365 Strong Powerlifting Federation (365-SPF)

- President
- Bill Clary
- ID
- 490
- Administrator
- PeteKravtsov
- http://www.365strong.org
- 365 Strong Powerlifting Federation, PO Box 253, Fort Mill, SC 29716 Bill Clary Cell: 704/236-1899 or Wayne VanNostrand Cell: 803/448-2929 Fax: 775-637-5954 Mailing Address: PO Box 253, Fort Mill, SC 29716
- Fax: 775-637-5954
International subdivisions
Women | |
44.0 kg | ≤ 44.00 |
48.0 kg | 44.01 - 48.00 |
52.0 kg | 48.01 - 52.00 |
56.0 kg | 52.01 - 56.00 |
60.0 kg | 56.01 - 60.00 |
67.5 kg | 60.01 - 67.50 |
75.0 kg | 67.51 - 75.00 |
82.5 kg | 75.01 - 82.50 |
90.0 kg | 82.51 - 90.00 |
90.0 kg | > 90.00 |
Men | |
52.0 kg | ≤ 52.00 |
56.0 kg | 52.01 - 56.00 |
60.0 kg | 56.01 - 60.00 |
67.5 kg | 60.01 - 67.50 |
75.0 kg | 67.51 - 75.00 |
82.5 kg | 75.01 - 82.50 |
90.0 kg | 82.51 - 90.00 |
100.0 kg | 90.01 - 100.00 |
110.0 kg | 100.01 - 110.00 |
125.0 kg | 110.01 - 125.00 |
125.0 kg | 125.01 - 125.00 |
140.0 kg | 125.01 - 140.00 |
140.0 kg | > 140.00 |
Age Categories:<br />
Lifters must compete in their own specific age categories or in the Novice or Open division. An<br />
exception to this rule is a master lifter may compete in lower master age brackets if he/she wishes<br />
to compete against younger master athletes and have their records count for their own age<br />
division.<br />
The 365 SPF and any affiliate federation will recognize and register national/world records within<br />
the age categories described hereunder: <br />
4<br />
“Open Division”: 13 years and up have no restrictions, athletes of any age may compete in<br />
Open competition (as well as Novice comp if the minimum level hasn’t been surpassed).<br />
Teenage Breakdown – Begins at Teenage: T1 - 13-15, T2 - 16-17 and T3 - 18-19<br />
Master Breakdown: M1 - 40-44; M2 - 45-49; M3 - 50-54; M4 - 55-59; M5 - 60-64; M6 - 65-<br />
69; M7 - 70-74; M8 - 75-79, M9 - 80 and upwards.
Bill Clary and Wayne VanNostrand should both be listed and named as Co-Chairmen of 365 SPF.