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Novogolub Oleg
Novogolub Oleg
date of birth
-- 1995
Novogolub Oleg
date of birth
-- 1995
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2022 Europe Open Championship – Europe Open Championship
2022 Europe Open Championship – Europe Open Championship
2021 World Chempionship – World Chempionship
2021 Open Europe Championship – Open Europe Championship
2021 Open Europe Championship – Open Europe Championship
2021 Open Europe Championship – Open Europe Championship
2021 Europe Championship – Europe Championship
2021 Europe Championship – Europe Championship
2021 Europe Championship – Europe Championship
2020 WRPF Europe Championship – WRPF Europe Championship
2020 WRPF Europe Championship – WRPF Europe Championship
2019 Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC – Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC
2019 Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC – Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC
2019 Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC – Championship of Moldova and Transnistria WPC\AWPC
2018 20th International Cup of Dnestr – 20th International Cup of Dnestr
2018 20th International Cup of Dnestr – 20th International Cup of Dnestr
2018 20th International Cup of Dnestr – 20th International Cup of Dnestr
2018 20th International Cup of Dnestr – 20th International Cup of Dnestr
2018 20th International Cup of Dnestr – 20th International Cup of Dnestr
2018 20th International Cup of Dnestr – 20th International Cup of Dnestr
2018 GPA-GPA-D World Championship 2018 – GPA-GPA-D World Championship 2018
2018 GPA-GPA-D World Championship 2018 – GPA-GPA-D World Championship 2018
2018 GPA-GPA-D World Championship 2018 – GPA-GPA-D World Championship 2018
2018 GPA-GPA-D World Championship 2018 – GPA-GPA-D World Championship 2018
2018 WPC Independence Cup – WPC Independence Cup
2018 WPC Independence Cup – WPC Independence Cup
2018 WPC Independence Cup – WPC Independence Cup
2018 WPC Independence Cup – WPC Independence Cup
2018 WPC Independence Cup – WPC Independence Cup
2018 WPC Independence Cup – WPC Independence Cup
2018 Championship of Moldova GPA 2018 – Championship of Moldova GPA 2018
2018 Championship of Moldova GPA 2018 – Championship of Moldova GPA 2018
2018 Championship of Moldova GPA 2018 – Championship of Moldova GPA 2018
2018 WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships – WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships
2018 WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships – WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships
2018 WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships – WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships
2018 WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships – WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships
2017 Tournament "Minotaur" GPA 2017 – Tournament "Minotaur" GPA 2017
2017 Tournament "Minotaur" GPA 2017 – Tournament "Minotaur" GPA 2017
2017 WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships – WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships
2017 WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships – WPC Open Moldova & Transnistria Championships
2016 GPA/IPO World Powerlifting Championship – GPA/IPO World Powerlifting Championship
2016 GPA/IPO World Powerlifting Championship – GPA/IPO World Powerlifting Championship
2015 Campionatul RM la Triatlon forţă – Campionatul RM la Triatlon forţă
2016 Open Moldova Championship GPA – Open Moldova Championship GPA
2015 World Championships – World Championships
2015 Moldova Chavpionship GPA – Moldova Chavpionship GPA
2014 16th Open Dniester Cup – 16th Open Dniester Cup
2014 16th Open Dniester Cup – 16th Open Dniester Cup
2014 World Powerlifting Championships – World Powerlifting Championships
2014 World Powerlifting Championships – World Powerlifting Championships
2014 Moldova National Powerlifting Championships – Moldova National Powerlifting Championships
2012 Dniester Cup BP International Meet – Dniester Cup BP International Meet
2012 Dniester Cup BP International Meet – Dniester Cup BP International Meet
D1 230.0
D2 250.0
D3 -265.0
D 250.0
S1 212.5
S2 -220.0
S3 -227.5
S 212.5
B1 145.0
B2 -155.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
D1 230.0
D2 250.0
D3 -265.0
D 250.0
Total 617.5
S1 -220.0
S2 -220.0
S3 220.0
S 220.0
B1 150.0
B2 160.0
B3 -170.0
B 160.0
D1 -240.0
D2 -240.0
D3 -250.0
D1 230.0
D2 250.0
D3 -270.0
D 250.0
B1 145.0
B2 152.5
B3 160.0
B 160.0
D1 230.0
D2 250.0
D3 -270.0
D 250.0
S1 205.0
S2 215.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
B1 145.0
B2 152.5
B3 160.0
B 160.0
D1 230.0
D2 250.0
D3 -270.0
D 250.0
Total 635.0
D1 220.0
D2 230.0
D3 -250.0
D 230.0
B1 145.0
B2 155.0
B3 -162.5
B 155.0
S1 -205.0
S2 -205.0
S3 205.0
S 205.0
B1 145.0
B2 155.0
B3 -162.5
B 155.0
D1 220.0
D2 230.0
D3 -250.0
D 230.0
Total 590.0
D1 -200.0
D2 200.0
D3 220.0
D 220.0
S1 190.0
S2 -205.0
S3 -205.0
S 190.0
B1 132.5
B2 140.0
B3 -145.0
B 140.0
D1 -200.0
D2 200.0
D3 220.0
D 220.0
Total 550.0
B1 150.0
B2 155.0
B3 -160.0
B 155.0
S1 205.0
S2 215.0
S3 -225.0
S 215.0
B1 150.0
B2 155.0
B3 -160.0
B 155.0
D1 230.0
D2 -240.0
D 230.0
Total 600.0
D1 230.0
D2 -240.0
D 230.0
D1 230.0
D2 -245.0
D3 -252.5
D 230.0
D1 230.0
D2 -245.0
D3 -252.5
D 230.0
B1 147.5
B2 -155.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
B1 147.5
B2 -155.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
S1 215.0
S2 225.0
S3 -230.0
S 225.0
B1 147.5
B2 -155.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
D1 230.0
D2 -245.0
D3 -252.5
D 230.0
Total 610.0
S1 215.0
S2 225.0
S3 -230.0
S 225.0
B1 147.5
B2 -155.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
D1 230.0
D2 -245.0
D3 -252.5
D 230.0
Total 610.0
S1 215.0
S2 -225.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
B1 145.0
B2 152.5
B3 -160.0
B 152.5
D1 225.0
D2 -240.0
D3 242.5
D 242.5
Total 620.0
S1 215.0
S2 -225.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
B1 145.0
B2 152.5
B3 -160.0
B 152.5
D1 225.0
D2 -240.0
D3 242.5
D 242.5
Total 620.0
S1 215.0
S2 -225.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
B1 145.0
B2 152.5
B3 -160.0
B 152.5
D1 225.0
D2 -240.0
D3 242.5
D 242.5
Total 620.0
S1 215.0
S2 -225.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
B1 145.0
B2 152.5
B3 -160.0
B 152.5
D1 225.0
D2 -240.0
D3 242.5
D 242.5
Total 620.0
B1 140.0
B2 150.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 -250.0
D 240.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 -250.0
D 240.0
B1 140.0
B2 150.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
B1 140.0
B2 150.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 -250.0
D 240.0
B1 140.0
B2 150.0
B3 155.0
B 155.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 -250.0
D 240.0
D1 215.0
D2 230.0
D3 -240.0
D 230.0
B1 140.0
B2 147.5
B3 -150.0
B 147.5
S1 190.0
S2 205.0
S3 -215.0
S 205.0
B1 140.0
B2 147.5
B3 -150.0
B 147.5
D1 215.0
D2 230.0
D3 -240.0
D 230.0
Total 582.5
D1 220.0
D2 -240.0
D3 -250.0
D 220.0
D1 220.0
D2 -240.0
D3 -250.0
D 220.0
S1 205.0
S2 220.0
S3 -230.0
S 220.0
B1 140.0
B2 150.0
B3 -157.5
B 150.0
D1 220.0
D2 -240.0
D3 -250.0
D 220.0
Total 590.0
S1 205.0
S2 220.0
S3 -230.0
S 220.0
B1 140.0
B2 150.0
B3 -157.5
B 150.0
D1 220.0
D2 -240.0
D3 -250.0
D 220.0
Total 590.0
S1 195.0
S2 210.0
S3 -220.0
S 210.0
B1 140.0
B2 147.5
B3 -152.5
B 147.5
D1 -220.0
D2 220.0
D3 237.5
D 237.5
Total 595.0
S1 195.0
S2 210.0
S3 -220.0
S 210.0
B1 140.0
B2 147.5
B3 -152.5
B 147.5
D1 -220.0
D2 220.0
D3 237.5
D 237.5
Total 595.0
S1 190.0
S2 200.0
S3 -210.0
S 200.0
B1 142.5
B2 150.0
B3 -157.5
B 150.0
D1 -220.0
D2 220.0
D3 230.0
D 230.0
Total 580.0
S1 190.0
S2 200.0
S3 -210.0
S 200.0
B1 142.5
B2 150.0
B3 -157.5
B 150.0
D1 -220.0
D2 220.0
D3 230.0
D 230.0
Total 580.0
S1 -190.0
S2 190.0
S3 -220.0
S 190.0
B1 140.0
B2 147.5
B3 152.5
B 152.5
D1 -210.0
D2 -217.5
D3 -222.5
S1 -190.0
S2 190.0
S3 -220.0
S 190.0
B1 140.0
B2 147.5
B3 152.5
B 152.5
D1 -210.0
D2 -217.5
D3 -222.5
S1 170.0
S2 -175.0
S3 -175.0
S 170.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 120.0
B 120.0
D1 200.0
D2 210.0
D3 222.5
D 222.5
Total 512.5
B1 135.0
B2 142.5
B3 147.5
B 147.5
S1 160.0
S2 -190.0
S3 -190.0
S 160.0
B1 -130.0
B2 130.0
B3 -137.5
B 130.0
D1 200.0
D 200.0
Total 490.0
S1 170.0
S2 180.0
S3 190.0
S 190.0
B1 110.0
B2 120.0
B3 -125.0
B 120.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D3 -230.0
D 220.0
Total 530.0
S1 -150.0
S2 160.0
S3 -170.0
S 160.0
B1 102.5
B2 107.5
B3 -112.5
B 107.5
D1 190.0
D2 -205.0
D3 -215.0
D 190.0
Total 457.5
S1 -150.0
S2 160.0
S3 -170.0
S 160.0
B1 102.5
B2 107.5
B3 -112.5
B 107.5
D1 190.0
D2 -205.0
D3 -215.0
D 190.0
Total 457.5
S 150.0
B 105.0
D 200.0
Total 455.0
S 150.0
B 107.5
D 200.0
Total 457.5
S1 142.5
S2 -150.0
S3 150.0
S 150.0
B1 97.5
B2 102.5
B3 -107.5
B 102.5
D1 -180.0
D2 190.0
D3 -200.0
D 190.0
Total 442.5
S1 105.0
S2 115.0
S3 122.5
S 122.5
B1 75.0
B2 82.5
B3 -85.0
B 82.5
D1 -140.0
D2 140.0
D 140.0
Total 345.0
S1 105.0
S2 115.0
S3 122.5
S 122.5
B1 75.0
B2 82.5
B3 -85.0
B 82.5
D1 -140.0
D2 140.0
D 140.0
Total 345.0
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