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Gerasimova Darya
Gerasimova Darya
date of birth
-- 1986
Gerasimova Darya
date of birth
-- 1986
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2017 Open KHMAO Powerlifting Cup – Open KHMAO Powerlifting Cup
2017 8th Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug BP Championships – 8th Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug BP Championships
2016 Championship of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug – Championship of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
2016 Urals Federal District Powerlifting Championships for men and women – Urals Federal District Powerlifting Championships for men and women
2016 Russia BP Championship – Russia BP Championship
2016 Russia Powerlifting Cup – Russia Powerlifting Cup
2016 Powerlifting "White Nights" All-Russia competitions – Powerlifting "White Nights" All-Russia competitions
2016 Noyabrsk Open BP Championship to the memory Valentin Sidorenko – Noyabrsk Open BP Championship to the memory Valentin Sidorenko
2016 Noyabrsk Open Championship to the memory Valentin Sidorenko – Noyabrsk Open Championship to the memory Valentin Sidorenko
2016 Russia Championships – Russia Championships
2016 7th Open YaNAO BP Championships – 7th Open YaNAO BP Championships
2015 Ural Federal District Powerlifting Championship – Ural Federal District Powerlifting Championship
2015 11th Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districtopen Open Powerlifting Championship memory of Edward Forsunov – 11th Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districtopen Open Powerlifting Championship memory of Edward Forsunov
2015 Russia PL and CL PL Cup – Russia PL and CL PL Cup
2015 Russia PL and CL PL Cup – Russia PL and CL PL Cup
2015 Noyabrsk memory V. Sidorenko Bench Press Open – Noyabrsk memory V. Sidorenko Bench Press Open
2015 Noyabrsk memory V. Sidorenko Powerlifting Open – Noyabrsk memory V. Sidorenko Powerlifting Open
2015 Russian Powerlifting Championship – Russian Powerlifting Championship
2015 Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District' BP Championships – Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District' BP Championships
2014 Open Powerlifting city tournament in memory of Viktor Rozov – Open Powerlifting city tournament in memory of Viktor Rozov
2014 Ural Federal District Powerlifting Championship – Ural Federal District Powerlifting Championship
2014 The championship of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district powerlifting – The championship of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district powerlifting
2014 Russian PL and CL PL Cup – Russian PL and CL PL Cup
2014 Russian PL and CL PL Cup – Russian PL and CL PL Cup
2011 6th Russian Yugra Powerlifting Cup – 6th Russian Yugra Powerlifting Cup
2014 Russian Powerlifting Championship – Russian Powerlifting Championship
2014 V Open Сhampionship of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Bench Press – V Open Сhampionship of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Bench Press
2013 Ural Federal District Powerlifting Championship – Ural Federal District Powerlifting Championship
2013 24th Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Powerlifting Championship – 24th Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Powerlifting Championship
2013 Russian Classic Powerlifting Cup – Russian Classic Powerlifting Cup
2013 Russian Powerlifting Cup – Russian Powerlifting Cup
2013 Powerlifting Tournament "Cup of the North" – Powerlifting Tournament "Cup of the North"
2013 Open city tournament Bench memory of Valentin Sidorenko – Open city tournament Bench memory of Valentin Sidorenko
2013 Open city tournament Powerlifting memory of Valentin Sidorenko – Open city tournament Powerlifting memory of Valentin Sidorenko
2013 Russia national classic powerlifting (RAW) championship IPF. – Russia national classic powerlifting (RAW) championship IPF.
2013 IV Open Individual and Team Championship of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Bench Press for men and women – IV Open Individual and Team Championship of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Bench Press for men and women
2013 RPF Open, Subjunior and Junior Powerlifting Championships – RPF Open, Subjunior and Junior Powerlifting Championships
2012 Championships of Ural Federal District Powerlifting men and women Memory Master of Sports of Russia V.Ya.Berezovskoy – Championships of Ural Federal District Powerlifting men and women Memory Master of Sports of Russia V.Ya.Berezovskoy
2012 XXIII Open individual and team championship YaNAO Powerlifting, memory E.V.Forsunova. – XXIII Open individual and team championship YaNAO Powerlifting, memory E.V.Forsunova.
2012 Russia PL CL Cup – Russia PL CL Cup
2012 Cup of Russia on powerlifting – Cup of Russia on powerlifting
2012 Valentin Sidorenko Bench Press Memorial – Valentin Sidorenko Bench Press Memorial
2012 Valentin Sidorenko Powerlifting Memorial – Valentin Sidorenko Powerlifting Memorial
2011 2nd Russia CL PL Cup – 2nd Russia CL PL Cup
2011 22nd Russian Powerlifting Cup – 22nd Russian Powerlifting Cup
2010 XXI Chempionat Jamalo-Neneckogo avtonomnogo okruga. – XXI Chempionat Jamalo-Neneckogo avtonomnogo okruga.
2011 Otkrytyj turnir pamjati V.Rozova po paujerliftingu – Otkrytyj turnir pamjati V.Rozova po paujerliftingu
2011 V.Berezovskaya Powerlifting Memorial – V.Berezovskaya Powerlifting Memorial
2012 22nd RPF Powerlifting Championships – 22nd RPF Powerlifting Championships
2011 Jamalo-Neneckogo Avtonomous District Bench Press Championship – Jamalo-Neneckogo Avtonomous District Bench Press Championship
2010 Ezhegodnyj otkrytyj gorodskoj turnir pamjati Viktora Rozova. – Ezhegodnyj otkrytyj gorodskoj turnir pamjati Viktora Rozova.
S 117.5
B 87.5
D 170.0
Total 375.0
B1 120.0
B 120.0
S 187.5
B 130.0
D 190.0
Total 507.5
S 190.0
B 125.0
D 187.5
Total 502.5
B1 120.0
B2 125.0
B3 130.0
B 130.0
S 187.5
B 130.0
D 190.0
Total 507.5
S 195.0
B2 125.0
B3 130.0
B 130.0
D 180.0
Total 505.0
B1 85.0
B2 90.0
B 90.0
S 100.0
B 90.0
D 150.0
Total 340.0
S 200.0
B 130.0
D 190.0
Total 520.0
B1 125.0
B2 130.0
B 130.0
S 190.0
B 120.0
D 190.0
Total 500.0
S 165.0
B 92.5
D 180.0
Total 437.5
S1 110.0
S2 125.0
S3 -130.0
S 125.0
B1 85.0
B2 95.0
B3 -100.0
B 95.0
D1 140.0
D2 150.0
D3 162.5
D 162.5
Total 382.5
S1 180.0
S2 192.5
S3 -200.0
S 192.5
B1 115.0
B2 -122.5
B3 -122.5
B 115.0
D1 160.0
D2 170.0
D3 177.5
D 177.5
Total 485.0
B1 87.5
B2 95.0
B3 -100.0
B 95.0
S1 160.0
S2 170.0
S 170.0
B1 87.5
B2 95.0
B3 -100.0
B 95.0
D1 170.0
D2 180.0
D 180.0
Total 445.0
S 200.0
B 120.0
D 175.0
Total 495.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 120.0
B 120.0
S 100.0
B 75.0
D 125.0
Total 300.0
S 170.0
B 110.0
D 180.0
Total 460.0
S 145.0
B 85.0
D 160.0
Total 390.0
S 135.0
B 92.5
D 172.5
Total 400.0
S 197.5
B 122.5
D 192.5
Total 512.5
S 185.0
B 90.0
D 180.0
Total 455.0
S1 180.0
S2 190.0
S3 197.5
S 197.5
B1 110.0
B2 117.5
B3 -122.5
B 117.5
D1 180.0
D2 190.0
D 190.0
Total 505.0
B1 105.0
B2 110.0
B3 115.0
B 115.0
S 210.0
B 130.0
D 200.0
Total 540.0
S 145.0
B 95.0
D 175.0
Total 415.0
S1 120.0
S2 130.0
S3 -135.0
S 130.0
B1 80.0
B2 85.0
B3 -90.0
B 85.0
D1 150.0
D2 160.0
D3 165.0
D 165.0
Total 380.0
S1 190.0
S2 200.0
S 200.0
B1 120.0
B2 -125.0
B3 -125.0
B 120.0
D1 180.0
D2 -185.0
D3 -185.0
D 180.0
Total 500.0
S 202.5
B 125.0
D 187.5
Total 515.0
B1 115.0
B2 120.0
B 120.0
S1 170.0
S2 180.0
S 180.0
B1 115.0
B2 120.0
B 120.0
D1 170.0
D2 175.0
D3 180.0
D 180.0
Total 480.0
S 140.0
B 82.5
D 172.5
Total 395.0
B1 100.0
B2 105.0
B 105.0
S1 185.0
S2 195.0
S3 200.0
S 200.0
B1 117.5
B2 -122.5
B3 122.5
B 122.5
D1 180.0
D2 187.5
D3 -192.5
D 187.5
Total 510.0
S 190.0
B 120.0
D 185.0
Total 495.0
S 175.0
B 105.0
D 180.0
Total 460.0
S1 115.0
S2 122.5
S3 130.0
S 130.0
B1 75.0
B2 82.5
B3 85.0
B 85.0
D1 155.0
D2 -157.5
D3 170.0
D 170.0
Total 385.0
S1 180.0
S2 190.0
S3 195.0
S 195.0
B1 115.0
B2 120.0
B3 125.0
B 125.0
D1 180.0
D2 190.0
D3 -195.0
D 190.0
Total 510.0
B1 80.0
B2 85.0
B3 90.0
B 90.0
S1 125.0
S2 135.0
S3 140.0
S 140.0
B1 80.0
B2 85.0
B3 90.0
B 90.0
D1 150.0
D2 160.0
D3 170.0
D 170.0
Total 400.0
S 105.0
B 70.0
D 145.0
Total 320.0
S 185.0
B 92.5
D 185.0
Total 462.5
B 80.0
D 165.0
S 105.0
B 70.0
D 140.0
Total 315.0
S 170.0
B 90.0
D 175.0
Total 435.0
S1 170.0
S2 -180.0
S3 180.0
S 180.0
B1 -95.0
B2 95.0
B3 100.0
B 100.0
D1 175.0
D2 185.0
D3 -190.0
D 185.0
Total 465.0
B1 85.0
B2 -90.0
B3 90.0
B 90.0
S 170.0
B 80.0
D 180.0
Total 430.0
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