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Karlysheva Viktoria
Karlysheva Viktoria
birth year
Karlysheva Viktoria
birth year
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2021 Chempionat Sankt-Peterburga po pauerliftingu – Chempionat Sankt-Peterburga po pauerliftingu
2022 Saint Petersburg CL PL Championships – Saint Petersburg CL PL Championships
2022 Russia CL PL Champonship – Russia CL PL Champonship
2021 Russia Powerlifting Cup – Russia Powerlifting Cup
2021 Russia Powerlifting Championships – Russia Powerlifting Championships
2020 Russia Powerlifting Championships – Russia Powerlifting Championships
2018 Benchpress championship of Irkutskaya oblast – Benchpress championship of Irkutskaya oblast
2019 Powerlifting championship of Irkutsk – Powerlifting championship of Irkutsk
2019 European Powerlifting Championships – European Powerlifting Championships
2019 Russia PL Championships – Russia PL Championships
2018 World Open Powerlifting Championships – World Open Powerlifting Championships
2018 Open BenchPress Championships of Irkutsk "Victory cup" – Open BenchPress Championships of Irkutsk "Victory cup"
2018 Сhampionship powerlifting of Irkutsk – Сhampionship powerlifting of Irkutsk
2018 Russia Powerlifting Championships – Russia Powerlifting Championships
2017 European Powerlifting Championships – European Powerlifting Championships
2017 Russia Open Powerlifting Championships – Russia Open Powerlifting Championships
2016 World Open Powerlifting Championships – World Open Powerlifting Championships
2016 European Open Powerlifting Championships – European Open Powerlifting Championships
2016 Russia Championships – Russia Championships
2015 Russia PL and CL PL Cup – Russia PL and CL PL Cup
2015 World Juniors & Sub-Juniors Championships – World Juniors & Sub-Juniors Championships
2015 Shelekhov Open Powerlifting SJ&J Championship – Shelekhov Open Powerlifting SJ&J Championship
2015 Powerlifting Cup of Irkutsk region – Powerlifting Cup of Irkutsk region
2015 Russian SJ&J Powerlifting Championships – Russian SJ&J Powerlifting Championships
2014 Russian PL and CL PL Cup – Russian PL and CL PL Cup
2014 European Open Championships – European Open Championships
2014 Russian Powerlifting Championship – Russian Powerlifting Championship
2014 Russian Teens & Juniors Powerlifting Championships – Russian Teens & Juniors Powerlifting Championships
2013 Open benchpress championship of Irkutsk region – Open benchpress championship of Irkutsk region
2013 World Juniors & Sub-Juniors Championships – World Juniors & Sub-Juniors Championships
2013 RPF Open, Subjunior and Junior Powerlifting Championships – RPF Open, Subjunior and Junior Powerlifting Championships
2012 European EPF Juniors & Subjuniors Championships – European EPF Juniors & Subjuniors Championships
2012 National Powerlifting (junior and subjunior) championship – National Powerlifting (junior and subjunior) championship
2011 IPF World Juniors & Sub-Juniors Men's Championships – IPF World Juniors & Sub-Juniors Men's Championships
2011 Open Powerlifting Cup of Irkutsk region – Open Powerlifting Cup of Irkutsk region
2011 XV Pervenstvo Rossii po paujerliftingu (troebor'ju) sredi junoshej i devushek 14 - 18 let – XV Pervenstvo Rossii po paujerliftingu (troebor'ju) sredi junoshej i devushek 14 - 18 let
2011 Junior Powerlifting Championships of Irkutsk region – Junior Powerlifting Championships of Irkutsk region
2010 Open Powerlifting Cup of Irkutsk region – Open Powerlifting Cup of Irkutsk region
2010 14th FPR Subjunior Powerlifting Championships – 14th FPR Subjunior Powerlifting Championships
2010 IPF Sub-Junior & Juniors World Powerlifting Championships – IPF Sub-Junior & Juniors World Powerlifting Championships
2009 Powerlifting Championships of Irkutsk region – Powerlifting Championships of Irkutsk region
2010 19th Junior Powerlifting National Championships – 19th Junior Powerlifting National Championships
2010 BenchPress National Championships of sub-junior – BenchPress National Championships of sub-junior
2009 Powerlifting Championships of Irkutsk – Powerlifting Championships of Irkutsk
2009 Open BenchPress Championships of Irkutsk – Open BenchPress Championships of Irkutsk
2010 Open Powerlifting Championships Irkutsk region – Open Powerlifting Championships Irkutsk region
2009 Russian Sub-Juniors Powerlifting Championship – Russian Sub-Juniors Powerlifting Championship
2009 IPF Sub-Junior & Junior World Powerlifting Championships – IPF Sub-Junior & Junior World Powerlifting Championships
S 140.0
B 87.5
D 160.0
Total 387.5
S 142.5
B 92.5
D 160.0
Total 395.0
S 145.0
B 87.5
D 165.0
Total 397.5
S 140.0
B 90.0
D 165.0
Total 395.0
S1 190.0
S2 202.5
S3 207.5
S 207.5
B1 110.0
B2 117.5
B3 120.0
B 120.0
D1 170.0
D2 180.0
D3 187.5
D 187.5
Total 515.0
S 197.5
B 127.5
D 180.0
Total 505.0
B1 117.5
B2 122.5
B3 125.0
B 125.0
S1 170.0
S2 180.0
S 180.0
B1 117.5
B2 122.5
B3 127.5
B 127.5
D1 170.0
D2 180.0
D 180.0
Total 487.5
S1 200.0
S2 210.0
S3 217.5
S 217.5
B1 117.5
B2 -122.5
B3 122.5
B 122.5
D1 182.5
D2 190.0
D3 -195.0
D 190.0
Total 530.0
S 200.0
B 125.0
D 190.0
Total 515.0
S1 202.5
S2 215.0
S3 -223.0
S 215.0
B1 -120.0
B2 120.0
B3 -127.5
B 120.0
D1 182.5
D2 190.0
D3 -192.5
D 190.0
Total 525.0
B1 105.0
B2 110.0
B3 -115.0
B 110.0
S1 160.0
S2 180.0
S 180.0
B1 105.0
B2 110.0
B3 115.0
B 115.0
D1 160.0
D2 180.0
D 180.0
Total 475.0
S 222.5
B 120.0
D 187.5
Total 530.0
S1 195.0
S2 205.0
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 107.5
B2 115.0
B3 120.0
B 120.0
D1 175.0
D2 -182.5
D3 182.5
D 182.5
Total 512.5
S 215.0
B 115.0
D 182.5
Total 512.5
S1 207.5
S2 -220.0
S3 -223.0
S 207.5
B1 120.0
B2 127.5
B3 130.0
B 130.0
D1 177.5
D2 -187.5
D3 190.0
D 190.0
Total 527.5
S1 200.0
S2 210.0
S3 220.0
S 220.0
B1 112.5
B2 120.0
B3 -122.5
B 120.0
D1 170.0
D2 182.5
D3 187.5
D 187.5
Total 527.5
S 217.5
B 122.5
D 180.0
Total 520.0
S1 190.0
S2 205.0
S 205.0
B1 105.0
B2 112.5
B3 115.0
B 115.0
D1 165.0
D2 -175.0
D3 177.5
D 177.5
Total 497.5
S1 195.0
S2 -210.0
S3 212.5
S 212.5
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 117.5
B 117.5
D1 167.5
D2 177.5
D3 180.0
D 180.0
Total 510.0
S1 160.0
S2 177.5
S3 185.0
S 185.0
B1 97.5
B2 105.0
B3 110.0
B 110.0
D1 155.0
D2 165.0
D3 167.5
D 167.5
Total 462.5
S1 160.0
S2 177.5
S3 185.0
S 185.0
B1 97.5
B2 105.0
B3 110.0
B 110.0
D1 155.0
D2 165.0
D3 167.5
D 167.5
Total 462.5
S 190.0
B 120.0
D 180.5
Total 490.5
S 200.0
B 102.5
D 175.0
Total 477.5
S1 -190.0
S2 190.0
S3 200.0
S 200.0
B1 107.5
B2 112.5
B3 117.5
B 117.5
D1 167.5
D2 175.0
D3 180.0
D 180.0
Total 497.5
S1 195.0
S2 -210.0
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 -107.5
B2 107.5
B3 -115.0
B 107.5
D1 170.0
D2 177.5
D3 -180.0
D 177.5
Total 495.0
S 210.0
B 107.5
D 180.0
Total 497.5
B1 95.0
B2 102.5
B3 105.0
B 105.0
S1 185.0
S2 200.0
S3 207.5
S 207.5
B1 92.5
B2 102.5
B3 -107.5
B 102.5
D1 165.0
D2 175.0
D3 180.0
D 180.0
Total 490.0
S 195.0
B 102.5
D 170.0
Total 467.5
S1 175.0
S2 185.0
S3 -190.0
S 185.0
B1 82.5
B2 90.0
B3 92.5
B 92.5
D1 150.0
D2 160.0
D3 167.5
D 167.5
Total 445.0
S 185.0
B 85.0
D 160.0
Total 430.0
S1 180.0
S2 195.0
S3 205.0
S 205.0
B1 87.5
B2 95.0
B3 -100.0
B 95.0
D1 147.5
D2 155.0
D3 160.0
D 160.0
Total 460.0
S1 160.0
S2 170.0
S3 180.0
S 180.0
B1 85.0
B2 90.0
B3 95.0
B 95.0
D1 145.0
D2 155.0
D3 160.0
D 160.0
Total 435.0
S 192.5
B 87.5
D 157.5
Total 437.5
S1 160.0
S2 170.0
S3 180.0
S 180.0
B1 72.5
B2 77.5
B3 80.0
B 80.0
D1 140.0
D2 -152.5
D3 155.0
D 155.0
Total 415.0
S 185.0
B 77.5
D 155.0
Total 417.5
S 175.0
B 70.0
D 150.0
Total 395.0
S1 160.0
S2 175.0
S3 -185.0
S 175.0
B1 67.5
B2 72.5
B3 -75.0
B 72.5
D1 135.0
D2 147.5
D3 152.5
D 152.5
Total 400.0
S 145.0
B 55.0
D 120.0
Total 320.0
S 170.0
B 70.0
D 137.5
Total 377.5
B1 67.5
B2 72.5
B3 75.0
B 75.0
S 107.5
B 47.5
D 105.0
Total 260.0
B1 55.0
B2 60.0
B3 62.5
B 62.5
S 175.0
B 70.0
D 150.0
Total 395.0
S 150.0
B 60.0
D 122.5
Total 332.5
S1 145.0
S2 152.5
S3 157.5
S 157.5
B1 60.0
B2 62.5
B3 65.0
B 65.0
D1 120.0
D2 125.0
D3 127.5
D 127.5
Total 350.0
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