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Tsvetkov Aleksandr
Tsvetkov Aleksandr
date of birth
-- 1957
Tsvetkov Aleksandr
date of birth
-- 1957
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2024 Open international tournament Grand Prix Kremlin Cup – Open international tournament Grand Prix Kremlin Cup
2024 European Open Cup – European Open Cup
2024 European Open Cup – European Open Cup
2024 Rzhev frontier 2024 – Rzhev frontier 2024
2024 Rzhev frontier 2024 – Rzhev frontier 2024
2023 World Cup 2023 – World Cup 2023
2023 Eurasian Championship 2023 Sheraton Lux – Eurasian Championship 2023 Sheraton Lux
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2023 Rzhevsk frontier. Place of Power 2023 – Rzhevsk frontier. Place of Power 2023
2023 Rzhevsk frontier. Place of Power 2023 – Rzhevsk frontier. Place of Power 2023
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2023 Open tournament the USSR weightlifting master of sports Vilkhovsky – Open tournament the USSR weightlifting master of sports Vilkhovsky
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2023 Open Championship of Moscow and Moscow region – Open Championship of Moscow and Moscow region
2022 Rzhevsky frontier – Rzhevsky frontier
2022 Rzhevsky frontier – Rzhevsky frontier
2022 Moscow Open Championships – Moscow Open Championships
2022 Moscow Open Championships – Moscow Open Championships
2022 Moscow Open Championships – Moscow Open Championships
2021 World Powerlifting Cup – World Powerlifting Cup
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2021 World Powerlifting Cup – World Powerlifting Cup
2021 WPF World Cup 2021 – WPF World Cup 2021
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2020 World Cup WPA/AWPA – World Cup WPA/AWPA
2020 World Cup WPA/AWPA – World Cup WPA/AWPA
2020 Open Europe Cup – Open Europe Cup
2020 Open Europe Cup – Open Europe Cup
2020 Open Europe Cup – Open Europe Cup
2020 Open Moscow Cup – Open Moscow Cup
2020 Open Moscow Cup – Open Moscow Cup
2019 AWPC/WPC World Cup – AWPC/WPC World Cup
2019 MIREA Cup – MIREA Cup
2018 The world Cup - "Golden tiger-12" (squat, deadlift) – The world Cup - "Golden tiger-12" (squat, deadlift)
2018 Golden tiger-12 (powerlifting) – Golden tiger-12 (powerlifting)
2018 All-russian championship – All-russian championship
2018 World championship – World championship
2018 World championship – World championship
2018 World Cup – World Cup
2018 World Cup – World Cup
2017 WRPF Worlds (PL,BP,DL) – WRPF Worlds (PL,BP,DL)
2017 WRPF Worlds (PL,BP,DL) – WRPF Worlds (PL,BP,DL)
2018 Open European Cup – Open European Cup
2018 Open European Cup – Open European Cup
2017 WPC Worlds – WPC Worlds
2017 WPC Worlds – WPC Worlds
2017 The Cup of Russia on bench in SOFT gear – The Cup of Russia on bench in SOFT gear
2017 European Championship "Single Event" IPL – European Championship "Single Event" IPL
2016 GPA/IPO World Squat and Deadlift Championship – GPA/IPO World Squat and Deadlift Championship
2016 GPA/IPO World Powerlifting Championship – GPA/IPO World Powerlifting Championship
2016 WRPF World Deadlift Championships – WRPF World Deadlift Championships
2016 WRPF World Powerlifting Championships – WRPF World Powerlifting Championships
2016 Baltic Open Cup – Baltic Open Cup
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2015 WPC European BP&DL Championships – WPC European BP&DL Championships
2015 WPC European Powerlifting Championships – WPC European Powerlifting Championships
2014 Open Russian Cup – Open Russian Cup
2014 European Championships – European Championships
2014 European Championships – European Championships
2014 European Championships – European Championships
2013 WPC Worlds Powerlifting – WPC Worlds Powerlifting
2013 WPC Worlds Bench Press & Dead Lift – WPC Worlds Bench Press & Dead Lift
2013 Open Russian Powerlifting Championship – Open Russian Powerlifting Championship
2013 European Championships – European Championships
2012 WPC Powerlifting Worlds – WPC Powerlifting Worlds
2012 Open Russian AWPC/WPC Powerlifting Championships – Open Russian AWPC/WPC Powerlifting Championships
2012 Open Russian AWPC/WPC Powerlifting Championships – Open Russian AWPC/WPC Powerlifting Championships
2012 European AWPC-WPC Powerlifting Championships – European AWPC-WPC Powerlifting Championships
2011 WPC Worlds – WPC Worlds
2011 WPC Worlds – WPC Worlds
2011 World Cup PL&BP – World Cup PL&BP
2011 6th Open Eurasian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships – 6th Open Eurasian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships
2010 Powerlifting and BenchPress Campionship "PROdvijenie 2010" – Powerlifting and BenchPress Campionship "PROdvijenie 2010"
2010 WPC Powerlifting & Bench Press Championships – WPC Powerlifting & Bench Press Championships
2010 WPC/AWPC Eurasian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships – WPC/AWPC Eurasian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships
2010 Open Eastern European WPC/AWPC Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships.National Championships. – Open Eastern European WPC/AWPC Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships.National Championships.
D1 200.0
D2 222.5
D3 230.0
D 230.0
D1 180.0
D2 200.0
D3 220.0
D 220.0
D1 180.0
D2 200.0
D3 220.0
D 220.0
D1 180.0
D2 200.0
D3 215.0
D 215.0
D1 180.0
D2 200.0
D3 215.0
D 215.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 -220.0
D 210.0
D1 200.0
D2 222.5
D3 -230.0
D 222.5
B1 150.0
B2 160.0
B3 167.5
B 167.5
D1 200.0
D2 -222.5
D 200.0
D1 200.0
D2 -222.5
D 200.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D 220.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D 220.0
B1 150.0
B2 -157.5
B3 160.0
B 160.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D3 227.5
D 227.5
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D3 227.5
D 227.5
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
B1 155.0
B2 -167.5
B 155.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 222.5
D 222.5
B1 145.0
B2 157.5
B3 165.0
B 165.0
D1 195.0
D2 215.0
D3 230.0
D 230.0
S1 190.0
S2 202.5
S3 215.0
S 215.0
B1 110.0
B2 120.0
B 120.0
D1 195.0
D2 215.0
D3 230.0
D 230.0
Total 565.0
B1 150.0
B2 160.0
B 160.0
S1 185.0
S2 200.0
S3 212.5
S 212.5
B1 110.0
B2 117.5
B 117.5
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 227.5
D 227.5
Total 557.5
S1 185.0
S2 200.0
S3 212.5
S 212.5
B1 110.0
B2 117.5
B 117.5
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 227.5
D 227.5
Total 557.5
S1 185.0
S2 200.0
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 105.0
B2 112.5
B3 117.5
B 117.5
D1 195.0
D2 215.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
Total 552.5
D1 195.0
D2 215.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
B1 140.0
B2 150.0
B3 -155.0
B 150.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D 210.0
S1 180.0
S2 190.0
S3 200.0
S 200.0
B1 100.0
B2 105.0
B 105.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D 210.0
Total 515.0
B1 150.0
B2 157.5
B3 -162.5
B 157.5
S1 190.0
S2 200.0
S3 -210.0
S 200.0
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B 110.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D3 232.5
D 232.5
Total 542.5
S1 190.0
S2 200.0
S3 -210.0
S 200.0
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B 110.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D3 232.5
D 232.5
Total 542.5
S1 190.0
S2 202.5
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B3 -115.0
B 110.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D3 230.0
D 230.0
Total 550.0
S1 190.0
S2 202.5
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B3 -115.0
B 110.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D3 230.0
D 230.0
Total 550.0
B1 145.0
B2 155.0
B3 160.0
B 160.0
S1 190.0
S2 -205.0
S3 212.5
S 212.5
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B3 115.0
B 115.0
D1 200.0
D2 215.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
Total 552.5
S1 190.0
S2 -205.0
S3 212.5
S 212.5
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B3 115.0
B 115.0
D1 200.0
D2 215.0
D3 225.0
D 225.0
Total 552.5
S1 190.0
S2 -205.0
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 90.0
B2 100.0
B 100.0
D1 190.0
D2 200.0
D3 210.0
D 210.0
Total 520.0
S1 180.0
S2 190.0
S3 200.0
S 200.0
D1 220.0
D2 242.5
D3 -252.5
D 242.5
S1 -220.0
S2 230.0
S3 240.0
S 240.0
B1 160.0
B2 175.0
B3 -180.0
B 175.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 250.0
D 250.0
Total 665.0
S1 200.0
S2 -220.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
D1 210.0
D2 225.0
D 225.0
S1 200.0
S2 -220.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B 115.0
D1 210.0
D2 225.0
D 225.0
Total 565.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 252.5
D 252.5
B1 160.0
B2 -172.5
B3 -172.5
B 160.0
B1 150.0
B2 160.0
B3 170.0
B 170.0
D1 210.0
D2 235.0
D 235.0
B1 160.0
B2 175.0
B3 -180.0
B 175.0
S1 200.0
S2 220.0
S3 230.0
S 230.0
B1 115.0
B2 120.0
B3 125.5
B 125.5
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D3 235.0
D 235.0
Total 590.0
B1 150.0
B2 165.0
B3 -175.0
B 165.0
S1 190.0
S2 195.0
S 195.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 120.0
B 120.0
D1 215.0
D2 230.0
D 230.0
Total 545.0
B1 130.0
B2 140.0
B3 -150.0
B 140.0
D1 200.0
D2 225.0
D3 240.0
D 240.0
D1 230.0
D2 252.5
D3 -262.5
D 252.5
S1 -220.0
S2 230.0
S3 242.5
S 242.5
B1 115.0
B2 122.5
B3 127.5
B 127.5
D1 230.0
D2 252.5
D3 -262.5
D 252.5
Total 622.5
D1 230.0
D2 252.5
D3 260.0
D 260.0
S1 220.0
S2 232.5
S3 240.0
S 240.0
B1 115.0
B2 120.0
B 120.0
D1 230.0
D2 252.5
D3 260.0
D 260.0
Total 620.0
S1 200.0
S2 210.0
S3 217.5
S 217.5
B1 117.5
B2 122.5
B 122.5
D1 230.0
D2 250.0
D3 255.0
D 255.0
Total 595.0
S1 200.0
S2 220.0
S3 -230.0
S 220.0
B1 115.0
B2 -120.0
B3 120.0
B 120.0
D1 200.0
D2 225.0
D3 240.0
D 240.0
Total 580.0
D1 220.0
D2 247.5
D3 252.5
D 252.5
S1 200.0
S2 212.5
S3 221.0
S 221.0
B1 115.0
B2 -120.0
B3 120.0
B 120.0
D1 220.0
D2 245.0
D3 -251.0
D 245.0
Total 585.0
S1 200.0
S2 -225.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 -120.0
B 115.0
D1 200.0
D2 230.0
D3 245.0
D 245.0
Total 585.0
D1 200.0
D 200.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 245.0
D 245.0
S1 195.0
S2 205.0
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 -120.0
B 115.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 250.5
D 250.5
Total 575.0
S1 202.5
S2 215.0
S3 220.0
S 220.0
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B3 115.0
B 115.0
D1 220.0
D2 235.0
D3 -247.5
D 235.0
Total 570.0
D1 220.0
D2 237.5
D3 247.5
D 247.5
S1 190.0
S2 205.0
S3 215.5
S 215.5
B1 115.0
B2 122.5
B3 -125.0
B 122.5
D1 210.0
D2 232.5
D3 245.0
D 245.0
Total 583.0
S1 190.0
S2 200.0
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 115.0
B2 122.5
B3 125.0
B 125.0
D1 210.0
D2 230.0
D 230.0
Total 565.0
S1 200.0
S2 215.0
S 215.0
B1 115.0
B2 122.5
B3 -127.5
B 122.5
D1 210.0
D2 242.5
D 242.5
Total 580.0
S1 200.0
S2 210.0
S3 213.0
S 213.0
B1 -110.0
B2 115.0
B3 121.0
B 121.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 246.0
D 246.0
Total 580.0
S1 200.0
S2 210.0
S3 213.0
S 213.0
B1 -110.0
B2 115.0
B3 121.0
B 121.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D3 246.0
D 246.0
Total 580.0
S1 192.5
S2 -200.0
S3 205.0
S4 212.5
S 205.0
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 120.0
B 120.0
D1 200.0
D2 230.0
D3 245.0
D 245.0
Total 570.0
S1 225.0
S2 245.0
S3 255.0
S 255.0
B1 110.0
B2 -130.0
B 110.0
D1 220.0
D2 240.0
D 240.0
Total 605.0
S1 -200.0
S2 200.0
S3 210.0
S 210.0
B1 115.0
B2 120.0
B 120.0
D1 210.0
D2 232.5
D3 240.0
D4 251.0
D 240.0
Total 570.0
S1 220.0
S2 240.0
S3 -250.0
S 240.0
B1 115.0
B2 122.5
B 122.5
D1 -215.0
D2 215.0
D3 230.0
D 230.0
Total 592.5
S1 210.0
S2 -230.0
S3 237.5
S 237.5
B1 110.0
B2 115.0
B3 120.0
B 120.0
D1 210.0
D2 232.5
D 232.5
Total 590.0
S1 200.0
S2 215.0
S3 225.0
S 225.0
B1 90.0
B2 100.0
B 100.0
D1 200.0
D2 220.0
D 220.0
Total 545.0
S1 210.0
S2 227.5
S3 235.0
S 235.0
B1 100.0
B2 110.0
B 110.0
D1 210.0
D2 225.0
D3 235.0
D 235.0
Total 580.0
S1 175.0
S2 190.0
S3 197.5
S 197.5
B1 90.0
B2 100.0
B 100.0
D1 190.0
D2 210.0
D3 222.5
D 222.5
Total 520.0
S1 180.0
S2 192.5
S3 -197.5
S 192.5
B1 95.0
B2 -102.5
B3 -105.0
B 95.0
D1 185.0
D2 197.5
D3 207.5
D 207.5
Total 495.0
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