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Vakhterova Yuliya
Vakhterova Yuliya
date of birth
-- 1980
Vakhterova Yuliya
date of birth
-- 1980
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2021 Chempionat Sankt-Peterburga po pauerliftingu – Chempionat Sankt-Peterburga po pauerliftingu
2022 Saint Petersburg CL PL Championships – Saint Petersburg CL PL Championships
2022 White Nights – White Nights
2022 Saint Petersburg CL PL Cup – Saint Petersburg CL PL Cup
2022 Russia CL PL Champonship – Russia CL PL Champonship
2018 Euroasia Championships – Euroasia Championships
2018 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2018 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 Asian Open Championships – Asian Open Championships
2017 Asian Open Championships – Asian Open Championships
2017 Asian Open Championships – Asian Open Championships
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2017 AWPA-WPA Open National Cup – AWPA-WPA Open National Cup
2016 Amur Open Cup – Amur Open Cup
2016 Amur Open Cup – Amur Open Cup
2016 Asian Open Cup – Asian Open Cup
2016 Asian Open Cup – Asian Open Cup
2016 Asian Open Cup – Asian Open Cup
2016 Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016 – Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016
2016 Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016 – Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016
2016 Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016 – Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016
2016 Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016 – Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016
2016 Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016 – Open National Cup Powerlifting, Benchpress & Deadlift WPA/AWPA - 2016
2015 Open Far East Federal District Championship WPC 2015 – Open Far East Federal District Championship WPC 2015
2015 Eurasian Open Cup – Eurasian Open Cup
2015 Eurasian Open Cup – Eurasian Open Cup
2015 Eurasian Open Cup – Eurasian Open Cup
2015 The Open Championship of East Asia 2015 – The Open Championship of East Asia 2015
2015 The Open Championship of East Asia 2015 – The Open Championship of East Asia 2015
2015 Russia Open Cup – Russia Open Cup
2015 Open Svarog Cup – Open Svarog Cup
2015 Open Svarog Cup – Open Svarog Cup
2015 Open Svarog Cup – Open Svarog Cup
2015 Open Svarog Cup – Open Svarog Cup
2014 Far Eastern Federal District Championships – Far Eastern Federal District Championships
2014 Far Eastern Federal District Championships – Far Eastern Federal District Championships
2014 Far Eastern Federal District Championships – Far Eastern Federal District Championships
2014 AWPC Open Bench Press World Championships – AWPC Open Bench Press World Championships
2014 AWPC Open Powerlifting and Deadlift World Championships – AWPC Open Powerlifting and Deadlift World Championships
2014 AWPC Open Powerlifting and Deadlift World Championships – AWPC Open Powerlifting and Deadlift World Championships
2014 Amur Open Cup – Amur Open Cup
2011 6th Open Eurasian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships – 6th Open Eurasian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships
2011 6th Open Eurasian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships – 6th Open Eurasian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships
2011 2nd All-Russia Tournament Siberian Bear – 2nd All-Russia Tournament Siberian Bear
2011 2nd All-Russia Tournament Siberian Bear – 2nd All-Russia Tournament Siberian Bear
S 92.5
B 60.0
D 132.5
Total 285.0
S 95.0
B 0.0
S 97.5
B 62.5
D 142.5
Total 302.5
S 95.0
B 65.0
D 135.5
Total 295.5
S 95.0
B 62.5
D 135.0
Total 292.5
D1 -125.0
D1 125.0
D2 132.5
D3 137.5
D4 -140.0
D 137.5
B1 80.0
B2 -85.0
B3 -85.0
B 80.0
D1 135.0
D2 145.0
D3 -150.0
D 145.0
B1 80.0
B2 85.0
B3 -90.0
B 85.0
B1 60.0
B2 62.5
B3 65.0
B 65.0
D1 135.5
D 135.5
S1 120.0
S2 -125.0
S3 125.0
S 125.0
B1 60.0
B2 62.5
B3 65.0
B 65.0
D1 125.0
D2 132.5
D3 -140.0
D 132.5
Total 322.5
S1 120.0
S2 -125.0
S3 125.0
S 125.0
B1 60.0
B2 62.5
B3 65.0
B 65.0
D1 125.0
D2 132.5
D3 -140.0
D 132.5
Total 322.5
B1 65.0
B 65.0
B1 65.0
B 65.0
B1 80.0
B2 85.0
B3 -90.0
B 85.0
B1 80.0
B2 85.0
B3 -90.0
B 85.0
D1 135.5
D 125.5
D1 135.0
D2 145.0
D3 152.5
D 152.5
D1 135.0
D2 145.0
D3 150.0
D 150.0
S1 115.0
S2 125.0
S3 -130.0
S 125.0
B1 60.0
B2 -62.5
B3 -62.5
B 60.0
D1 120.0
D2 130.0
D3 137.5
D 137.5
Total 322.5
D1 140.0
D2 145.0
D3 150.0
D4 -155.0
D 150.0
B1 -75.0
S1 137.5
S2 142.5
S3 150.0
S 150.0
B1 75.0
B2 -80.0
B3 -82.5
B 75.0
D1 140.0
D2 147.5
D3 152.5
D 152.5
Total 377.5
D1 135.0
D2 142.5
D3 -147.5
D 142.5
D1 137.5
D 137.5
B1 -72.5
B2 72.5
B3 -77.5
B 72.5
B1 62.5
B 62.5
S1 115.0
S2 125.0
S3 132.5
S 132.5
B1 57.5
B2 -62.5
B3 62.5
B4 -65.0
B 62.5
D1 120.0
D2 130.0
D3 137.5
D4 140.0
D 137.5
Total 332.5
D1 132.5
D2 140.0
D 140.0
D1 132.5
D2 140.0
D3 147.5
D4 -150.0
D 147.5
B1 -73.0
B2 73.0
B3 77.5
B4 80.0
B 77.5
S1 -130.0
S2 132.5
S3 137.5
S 137.5
B1 70.0
B2 75.0
B3 -77.5
B 75.0
D1 130.0
D2 -135.0
D3 -135.0
D 130.0
Total 342.5
D1 120.0
D2 128.0
D3 132.5
D4 137.5
D 132.5
S1 130.0
S2 135.0
S3 140.0
S 140.0
B1 70.0
B2 -72.5
B3 72.5
B 72.5
D1 135.0
D2 142.5
D3 -147.5
D 142.5
Total 355.0
S1 120.0
S2 125.0
S3 132.5
S 132.5
B1 57.5
B2 60.0
B3 62.5
B 62.5
D1 125.0
D2 130.0
D3 135.0
D 135.0
Total 330.0
B1 72.5
B2 75.0
B3 77.5
B 77.5
D1 135.0
D2 140.0
D3 145.0
D 145.0
D1 125.0
D2 130.0
D3 135.0
D 135.0
B1 60.0
B2 62.5
B3 65.0
B 65.0
D1 130.0
D2 137.5
D3 -142.5
D 137.5
B1 72.5
B2 -77.5
B3 77.5
B 77.5
S1 130.0
S2 140.0
S3 -145.0
S 140.0
B1 70.0
B2 75.0
B3 80.0
B 80.0
D1 130.0
D2 137.5
D3 -145.0
D 137.5
Total 357.5
B1 67.5
B2 72.5
B3 -77.5
B 72.5
D1 130.0
D2 135.0
D3 140.0
D 140.0
S1 -135.0
S2 -135.0
S3 -135.0
S1 125.0
S2 135.0
S3 140.0
S 140.0
B1 62.5
B2 65.0
B3 67.5
B 67.5
D1 130.0
D2 135.0
D3 -140.0
D 135.0
Total 342.5
B1 -65.0
B2 -65.0
B3 65.0
B 65.0
S1 -120.0
S2 120.0
S3 125.0
S 125.0
B1 60.0
B2 62.5
B3 65.0
B 65.0
D1 110.0
D2 -120.0
D3 120.0
D 120.0
Total 310.0
S1 100.0
S2 110.0
S3 120.0
S 120.0
B1 50.0
B2 -60.0
B3 -60.0
B 50.0
D1 105.0
D2 115.0
D3 120.0
D 120.0
Total 290.0
B1 55.0
B2 -60.0
B3 -60.0
B 55.0
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