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Moscow Powerlifting Federation (MPF)

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Year Meet Date
Members Media Added by
2021 Moscow Cup CL PL 16 - 19 dec 2021 103 1 / 0 PeteKravtsov

2 years, 4 months ago

2021 Chempionat goroda Moskvy po pauerliftingu (troeboryu) 16 - 19 dec 2021 42 4 / 0 PeteKravtsov

5 months, 1 week ago

2021 Moscow Powerlifting Championships 19 - 20 nov 2021 49 3 / 1 PeteKravtsov

2 years, 9 months ago

2021 Moscow Subjuniors, Juniors and Masters BP Championship 19 sep 2021 4 2 / 0 PeteKravtsov

2 years, 11 months ago

2021 Moscow CL BP Championships 18 - 19 sep 2021 72 0 / 1 PeteKravtsov

2 years, 10 months ago

2021 Moscow SubJunior,Junior and Master CL PL Championships 5 - 7 mar 2021 46 0 / 0 PeteKravtsov

3 years, 5 months ago

2021 Moscow CL PL Championship 5 - 7 mar 2021 114 0 / 0 PeteKravtsov

3 years, 5 months ago